Biogeography text

Geoff Read g.read at niwa.cri.nz
Wed Apr 2 01:50:18 EST 1997

>Also, is there any recent (or old but useful) biogeographical review of the
> group? ...

Vivianne I suspect there is nothing comprehensive subsequent to  Fauchald 
(1984 IPC1), though individual families and regions get a work over from 
various people.

I don't know  if polychaetes get a mention but there is a new book which
might be useful to those interested in the topic generally. It's by J C
Briggs, who has written an earlier marine biogeography text. If anyone
has laid eyes on it perhaps they could comment further. Details below:

Briggs,John C (1996): Global Biogeography. 1st ed. (Developments in
Palaeontology and Stratigraphy, 14.) Elsevier Science, . 472 pages.
(Paperback) (ISBN 0444825606)

TABLE OF CONTENTS (Partial): Preface. 1. History of the Science. In the
Beginning. 19th Century. 20th Century. The Advent of Continental Drift.
PART A. HISTORICAL BIOGEOGRAPHY. 2. Precambrian and Early Paleozoic.
Precambrian. Cambrian Period. Ordovician Period. End-Ordovician Extinction.
3. Later Paleozoic. Silurian. Devonian. Frasnian Extinction.
Carboniferous-Permian. End-Permian Extinction. 4. Early Mesozoic. Triassic.
Late-Triassic extinction. 5. Late Mesozoic. Cretaceous. Marine Patterns.
Terrestrial Patterns. Flora. Freshwater fauna. Higher vertebrates.
Australia. India. Cretaceous Extinctions. Cenomanian- turonian. 6.
Paleogene. Paleocene. Marine patterns. Terrestrial patterns. Eocene. Marine
patterns. Terrestrial patterns. Australia. New Zealand. Madagascar. India.
Antillean relationships. 7. Neogene. Miocene. Marine patterns. Terrestrial
patterns. A miocene extinction? Pliocene. Marine patterns. Terrestrial
patterns. 8. Historic Extinctions. Historical Development. Tempo of the 
Extinctions. Scope of the Extinctions. Effects on Global Species 
Diversity. A Common Cause? Biogeography and Evolution. PART B. 
CONTEMPORARY BIOGEOGRAPHY. 9. Marine Patterns. Part 1. Latitudinal Zones. 
Indo-West Pacific Region. The East Indies: a Center of Origin? The age 
gradient. Onshore-offshore gradients. Barrier effects. Disjunct patterns. 
Center of origin alternatives. Modes of Speciation. Distribution patterns. 
Discussion. Indo-West Pacific Subdivisions. Eastern Pacific Region. 
Western Atlantic Region. 10. Marine Patterns. Part 2. Warm-Temperate 
Regions. Southern hemisphere. Northern hemisphere. Cold-Temperate Regions. 
Southern hemisphere. Northern hemisphere. The Cold (Polar) Regions. The 
Antarctic region. The Arctic region. 11. Terrestrial Patterns. 
Introduction. Animals. Freshwater habitat. Terrestrial habitat. Plants. 
Bryophytes and pteridophytes. Angiosperms. 12. Significant Patterns. 
Antitropical Distributions. Marine Environment. Isothermic submersion. 
Terrestrial Environment. Flora. Fauna. Discussion. Hypothesis. Island 
Life. 13. Species Diversity: Land and Sea. Global Diversity. Terrestrial. 
Marine. Latitudinal Gradients. Vertical Gradients. Longitudinal Gradients. 
Diversity and Conservation. 14. Epilogue. References. Appendix: 
Biogeographer's Maps. Subject Index

 Published Price:  160.00 (NLG)   

  Geoff Read <g.read at niwa.cri.nz>

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