dead or alive annelids - publication dates etc

Fredrik Pleijel f.pleijel at tmbl.gu.se
Wed Apr 2 04:29:00 EST 1997

Relating to Geoff's comments on Eibye-Jacobsen & Nielsen's recent paper in
Zoologica Scripta, it was published the 21 February 1997 (as printed on
the journal backcover) but, due to production delays, represents no. 3 

Second the paper was published as a Point of View contribution. Similarily
to many other journals including such sections (Forum etc), these papers
are not abstracted.

Fredrik Pleijel
executive editor for Zoologica Scripta

Fredrik Pleijel
Current address (1st Sept 96 - 1 Sept 97):
Dep Inv Zool
National Museum of Natural History
MRC 163
Smithsonian Institution
Washington DC 205 60 US
tel 202 357 4594
fax 202 357 3043
e-mail f.pleijel at tmbl.gu.se
[Ahem! I'll insert here an apology to the authors for the 
incorrect assumption that lack of abstract was their choice. Thanks for 
the explanation Fred. :-)  -- Geoff Read, Moderator]

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