polychaete role in ecosystems

John Weaver jkw1 at axe.humboldt.edu
Sun Apr 6 23:20:22 EST 1997

>Does anyone know whether there have been recent experiments done with 
>polychaetes (either by themselves or as part of benthic functional 
>groups) involving metabolic rates, Carbon fluxes, nitrogen uptake and 
>similar processes involving their role in the benthos and their effects 
>on the sediments?
>Also, is there any recent (or old but useful) biogeographical review of the 

I am doing my masters thesis on polychaete digestion and have read "Ecology
of Marine Deposit Feeders", G. Lopez, G. Taghon, J. Levinton (eds) 1989. I
found it to be very informative and interesting regarding deposit feeders,
carbon flux, nutritional value of sediment, digestion theory applied to
deposit feeding (polychaetes) radiotracer methods, ingestion rate, gut
reactor modling, etc. Very comprehensive on coastal environmental research.
The ISBN for it is 3-540-97001-0

jkw1 at axe.humboldt.edu

John K. Weaver  
Department of Biological Sciences
Humboldt State University,
Arcata, CA  

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