jim.white jwhite at aesop.rutgers.edu
Mon Apr 21 07:29:09 EST 1997

A new professional society has been established to promote study and
understanding of symbiosis--the International Symbiosis Society (ISS). 
The ISS was founded on April 15, 1997 at the 2nd International Symbiosis
Congress in Woods Hole, MA.  The society currently has 50+ members 
ranging from marine biologists to mycologists.  The ISS will publish a 
newsletter to distribute to its members, organize symbiosis congresses, 
and maintain the research journal SYMBIOSIS.   If you are interested in 
joining the ISS contact: 

Jim White, Dept. of Plant Pathology, Cook College-Rutgers University,  
New Brunswick, NJ 08903; email: jwhite at aesop.rutgers.edu.  

We are currently in need of members with energy and ideas to help 
develop the ISS.  Membership is open to professionals, students, and lay 
persons. If you wish to help pioneer and define the field of  Symbiology,
 the ISS may be the appropriate vehicle.  

Discuss   = annelida at net.bio.net      = talk to all members
Server    = biosci-server at net.bio.net = un/subscribes
Archives  = http://www.bio.net:80/hypermail/ANNELIDA/
Resources = http://www.keil.ukans.edu/~worms/annelid.html

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