Polychaete Folks:
The polychaete TV star, Flota sp., has moved on to a new genre. I just
received a copy of the August 15 issue of the Japanese magazine
"Friday" from Tomo Miura. Tucked between the nude photo of a University
of Tokyo female student with her face pixelated for anonymity and the "full
nude" expose of eight up and coming Japanese actresses, is the in situ photo
that appears on the JAMSTEC web page. The caption in this article gives
some additional important info: body length 15 cm. That is within the size
range of the Flota sp. that we are finding off California and Hawaii.
The complete citation for those of you wishing to track down the article
for your files is...
Anonymous, 1997. "Shinkai 6500" no nihonkaiko mitaiken zon masutatepu
kara no dejitaru purintohan namae no nai "shinkai no ikimono" tachi.
Friday. 14(35):32-33.
Hopefully there are not any mistakes in the citation, but my Japanese is
a bit rusty.
Good luck asking your librarians to find that one!
* Erik V. Thuesen, Ph.D. *
* Lab II *
* The Evergreen State College *
* Olympia, Washington 98505 *
* *
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