Marine Aquariums

dep.inv.zoology list_ann at 1.inv.bio.msu.ru
Tue Dec 16 05:03:27 EST 1997

     Dear colleagues!

    I am an undergraduate student of Moscow University. I am studying the
benthic fauna of marine tropical aquariums.  Mainly I am  interested in
small polychaetes, crustaceans, molluscs and nematodes. As it is
impossible to figure out where the animals are from,  I have difficulties
with identifications.  Any advice,  information or other help would be
greatly appreciated. If anyone is working with similar subjects, I would
be very interested in keeping contacts. Thank you in advance.    

Margarita Shabanova

Department of Invertebrate Zoology
Biological Faculty
Moscow State University
Moscow 119899 Russia
e-mail: rita at 1.inv.bio.msu.ru

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