Interruption of Annelid resources WWW Service

Geoff Read g.read at niwa.cri.nz
Thu Nov 6 19:44:39 EST 1997

Hello folks,

The resources pages are back online and the new Url is:


I think your old bookmarks will mostly work just fine but please update
them soon.

Let me know if you find any serious problem areas.

> The Annelid resources WWW pages hosted by the Biodiversity and Biological
> Collections WWW Server  (BBCWS) are going to be off-line for a few days
> beginning November 1, 1997, while the host machine is moved to a new
> location.

  Geoff Read <g.read at niwa.cri.nz>

   Server address   =  biosci-server at net.bio.net (un/subscribes)
   Discussion address  =  annelida at net.bio.net  (talk to all members)
   List archives  =  URL:http://www.bio.net:80/hypermail/ANNELIDA/
   Research resource = URL:http://biodiversity.uno.edu/~worms/annelid.html

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