Professor Carl Stop-Bowitz

Torleif Holthe vmzothol at vm.ntnu.no
Fri Nov 7 04:36:48 EST 1997

Dear friends, 

I am sorry to to bring you the message that one of the nestors of
polychaete research, Dr. Carl Stop-Bowitz, died November 1st, almost 84
years old. Dr. Stop-Bowitz was for many years an associate professor at
the University of Oslo. and was some ten years ago appointed as professor
at the International University of San Marino. He was rewarded the King's
Medal for Merit.

He was known throughout the Norwegian biological community as a most
inspiring teacher. He contributed to several popular works on zoology,
and his signature CS-B is familiar to all those who search information on
invertebrates from the Norwegian Encyclopedia. His interest in
linguistics was famous, he was internationally active as an esperantist,
and the knowledge of biological terminology and nomenclature in Norway is
sadly reduced by his death. Those of us who knew him will miss him, but
still be glad that we did meet him. Even in his last year it was a
pleasure to tell students to contact Dr. Stop-Bowitz and experience that
he still was able to kindle enthusiasm in young people and give them
scientific advice.

Torleif Holthe <vmzothol at vm.ntnu.no>
Museum of Natural History and Archeology
Norwegian University of Science and Technology

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