Professor Carl Stop-Bowitz -Reply

Kristian Fauchald FAUCHALD.KRISTIAN at nmnh.si.edu
Fri Nov 7 14:47:34 EST 1997

I was very saddened to hear about Professor Stop-Bowitz death.  Many years
ago, when I was doing military service in Norway and itching to get out
and back to studies, I visited him in a very small lab he had in the
Zoological Museum, Oslo.  I had already decided I was going to work on
polychaetes, but could not decide what group to tackle first.  Professor
Stop-Bowitz suggested the nephtyids, and for a MS project that was just
about the right size, with enough problems and what-not to whet my
appetite for polychaete systematics.  He also ended up telling me long
stories about visiting with Pierre Fauvel and others of that generation
and gave me a far better idea of the international nature of polychaete
studies than I had before.  

Professor Stop-Bowitz early papers on various families from Norwegian and
Arctic waters are classics in their style and content.  He added
considerably to our knowledge of polychaetes and managed to do so while
remaining a thoroughly enjoyable gentleman to boot.  

Kristian Fauchald


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