Spring cleaning at Annelid Resources

Geoff Read g.read at niwa.cri.nz
Mon Nov 17 17:53:05 EST 1997

Hello folks,

I'm going to redo the PRO list (Polychaete Researchers Online)  and I've
already done some link updating elsewhere. So, if you can find time could
you please look at yourself in the old PRO 7 (May) -


- and send me as soon as possible by e-mail any corrections and updates.
Some of the research notes & comments could probably do with a freshen up.
New entries also welcome, and I interpret 'polychaete' researcher rather
loosely so that any annelid or allies worker may join in if they wish. Also
look at the people pages  - 


 - and let me know if your web page is missing. I've also put a few 'worm
labs' on the field-trips page. Let me know similarly if you have a research
group which could be listed there.

Thank you,

  Geoff Read <g.read at niwa.cri.nz>

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