Chevaldonne address change

Gerard Bellan gbellan at com.univ-mrs.fr
Wed Nov 26 02:27:13 EST 1997

Dear Annelidians,

Eventually, you could send me (if neccessary) a message to Pierre
Chevaldonne who will be in my Lab (Station marine d'Endoume). My e-Mail
adress is : gbellan at com.univ-mrs.fr.  I'll deliver it (or them) 
immediately. Nevertheless, I'm quite sure that Pierre could enjoy his 
private e-Mail early in december! Pierre's fax number will be : ++ 33  4 
91 04 16 35 phone: not yet 

Bienvenue au Pays, Pierre!


>I am leaving the US next week (2/12) and I wanted to let you know of my new
>address in France:
>Pierre Chevaldonne
>CNRS - UMR DIMAR, Station Marine d'Endoume
>Centre d'Oceanologie de Marseille
>Rue de la Batterie des Lions
>13007 Marseille, France

Dr. Gerard BELLAN
Centre d'Oceanologie de Marseille
Station marine d'Endoume
Rue Batterie des Lions
13007 MARSEILLE  France
tel.:  (33) 4 91 04 16 12
Fax.: (33) 4 91 04 16 35
E-Mail : gbellan at com.univ-mrs.fr

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