
Jon L. Norenburg norenbur at onyx.si.edu
Thu Apr 2 08:31:36 EST 1998

>Hola amigos,
>        I've been working in Chile studying the effects of copper mine tailings
>dumping on intertidal meiofauna. Saccocirrus, species yet to be confirmed,
>is a common member of the meiofaunal communities on these coarse exposed
>beaches and is found on both impacted and nonimpacted beaches. It may be
>my imagination but the specimens from the impacted beach appear to me to
>be more robust and significantly greener. I'm doing a PhD through the
>University of Wales, Bangor and I will be returning to Chile to continue
>my research in August. I was wondering if anyone else has experience of
>interstitial polychaetes and metals, particularly copper and zinc?
>Matthew R Lee
><OSP044 at bangor.ac.uk>

Hi Matthew,

Over the more than 20 years that I have been pawing through mesopsammic
meiofauna it is my subjective assessment that at least some Saccocirrus
are very tolerant of environments highly enriched in organics (some might
say polluted), but I don't know if any of the places I have worked would
have had heavy metal pollution. I haven't noticed any obvious differences
among specimens of different neighboring sites. You might want to contact
Eric McEvoy <e.g.mcevoy at livjm.ac.uk> at Liverpool John Moores University
about testing for metals in the specimens. He has been looking at heavy
metal accumulation in nemerteans. 

Cheers, --Jon

Dr. Jon L. Norenburg, Research Zoologist/Curator
Department of Invertebrate Zoology
National Museum of Natural History-MRC163
Washington, DC  20560

voice 202-633-9278, fax 202-357-3043
e-mail: norenbur at onyx.si.edu

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