Calcutta Contact??

Cutlereb Cutlereb at aol.com
Thu Apr 16 07:35:53 EST 1998

Dear Colleagues,

     This is a cry for help.  We've been trying for a few months to make
contact with the Zoological Survey of India in Calcutta, where I used to
have a sipunculan colleage, B. P. Halder - but he's either retired or ???.
 We've failed to get Any response.  Does Anyone have a suggestion?   Also
- in Pilani there is Birla College which also houses some of DattaGupta's
Echiura - and we can raise no one there.


     Ed Cutler
Edward B. Cutler, PhD
Department of Invertebrates
Museum of Comparative Zoology
Harvard University
Cambridge, MA   02138
Telephone: 617-738-0107   (pre-arrange to FAX  at 617-277-6330)
e-mail:  CutlerEB at aol.com

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