Symbiotics review

Geoff Read g.read at niwa.cri.nz
Thu Dec 10 19:36:12 EST 1998

Seasons greetings,

Since the list is very quiet, just to reassure us all that there are other 
polychaetologists and  worm devotees still on the planet, here instead of a 
TEST is an ANNELIDA message with INFORMATION in it.  

Martin,D; Britayev,TA (1998): Symbiotic polychaetes: review of known
species. Oceanography and Marine Biology: an Annual Review 36, 217-

I draw your attention to this excellent and, as you can see, substantial, 
piece of work, by two list members. 

For those e-mail reprint requests you are immediately thinking about, the 
best address to send them, subject to confirm or deny from Daniel, is 
probably <dani at ceab.csic.es>. 



  Geoff Read <g.read at niwa.cri.nz>

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