Nereis - nomenclature

Peter Olive p.j.w.olive at ncl.ac.uk
Mon Feb 2 09:13:33 EST 1998

Erik  Kristensen

writes to Annelida about the use of subgenus names for Nereids.

I look forward to seeing the reply from those expert in such matters. I
have (for fear of doing the wrong thing) been writing about Nereis
(Neanthes) virens and Nereis (Hediste) diversicolor  and Nereis (Nereis)
pelagica - but I would much rather stick to Nereis.  The literature from
the New world seems to favour the use of Neanthes. 

I shall be glad to know what is considered the correct form of address for
these worms.

Peter Olive
<p.j.w.olive at ncl.ac.uk>

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