Nereis, Neanthes, Hediste

Derek C. Moore mooredc at marlab.ac.uk
Wed Feb 4 03:39:01 EST 1998

In reply to Matt Bentley's comment on the EA, SEPA, JNCC and SNH in the
UK using Hediste diversicolor routinely, this is because UK benthic
ecologists have agreed (in general) to employ the nomenclature contained
in the so-called MCS Species Directory, which has recently emerged as a
second edition.

In this new edition the annelid section, admirably compiled by Andy
Mackie, gives full genus status to Hediste and Neanthes but clearly states
the synonomy with Nereis recognised by Chambers and Garwood (1992).


Derek C Moore

Derek C Moore, Senior Scientific Officer       LAB TEL (44)(0)1224 876544    
Environmental Protection Section (EPS)         DIR TEL (44)(0)1224 295441*   
Fisheries Research Services                    LAB FAX (44)(0)1224 295511    
Marine Laboratory, Aberdeen                    EPS FAX (44)(0)1224 295524*   
PO Box 101, Victoria Rd                        EMAIL MOOREDC at MARLAB.AC.UK    
Aberdeen AB11 9DB, UK                            http://www.marlab.ac.uk  

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