Apologies to Christer Erseus!

Derek C. Moore mooredc at marlab.ac.uk
Wed Feb 4 08:44:50 EST 1998

Dear All,

I should have made clear that Prof. Christer Erseus co-authored the
chapter on Annelids with Andy Mackie ...  my apologies for this omission,


Derek C Moore

Derek C Moore, Senior Scientific Officer       LAB TEL (44)(0)1224 876544    
Environmental Protection Section (EPS)         DIR TEL (44)(0)1224 295441*   
Fisheries Research Services                    LAB FAX (44)(0)1224 295511    
Marine Laboratory, Aberdeen                    EPS FAX (44)(0)1224 295524*   
PO Box 101, Victoria Rd                        EMAIL MOOREDC at MARLAB.AC.UK    
Aberdeen AB11 9DB, UK                            http://www.marlab.ac.uk  

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