Nereis - nomenclature

Kirk Fitzhugh fitzhugh at almaak.usc.edu
Mon Feb 9 16:36:08 EST 1998

We seem to be missing the mark in these discussions on Hediste, Neanthes, &
Nereis. If we are to assume that our use of names is to reflect the reality
that surrounds us then we must provide reasons that substantiate our
interpretations of reality. The only way to settle the matter of which
genera to use is to present data showing each to be monophyletic, unless
one wishes to claim monophyly an unnecessary consideration. Taking the
latter position would be unfortunate since reality is no longer a concern -
which takes the process outside the realm of science. Once one recognizes
which nereidid genera are not monophyletic, there is a fairly clear sense
of the revisionary work needed. I havn't seen even this first step taken

Kirk Fitzhugh

Kirk Fitzhugh, Ph.D.
Associate Curator of Polychaetes
Research & Collections Branch
Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History
900 Exposition Blvd
Los Angeles CA 90007
Phone:   213-763-3233
FAX:     213-746-2999
e-mail:  fitzhugh at bcf.usc.edu

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