>>I need information on reefbuilding Serpulidae, especially about Filograna
>implexa and the fauna within the coloni.
>How long do individual worms live, what is their growth
>rate, how long do reefs take to build up etc.
You might find some references in the following papers of which I
unfortunately do not have reprints left.
HOVE, H.A. TEN, 1979a.- Tube worm. Yearb. Sci. Techn., McGraw-Hill, 1979 :
400-402, 3 figs.
HOVE, H.A. TEN, 1979b.- Different causes of mass occurrence in serpulids.
p.282-298 in: G. LARWOOD & B.R. ROSEN (eds), 1979.- Biology and systematics
of colonial organisms. Syst. Ass. Spec. Vol.11, xxxv + 589 pp., illustr.
HOVE, H.A. TEN, & P. VAN DEN HURK, 1993.- A review of Recent and fossil
serpulid "reefs"; actuopaleontology and the 'Upper Malm' serpulid
limestones in NW Germany. Geol. Mijnbouw, 72: 23-67, 12 figs., 5 tabs.
Harry A. ten Hove
Institute for Systematics and Population Biology
Zoological Museum, University of Amsterdam
POB 94766, 1090 GT AMSTERDAM
TEL. 3120 5256906
FAX. 3120 5255402
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