Dear Geoff et al.,
<smaller>Please feel free to inform me or Kristian of any other
discrepancies and errors in F&R (1997) and R&F (1997)</smaller>;
revisions are of course inevitable. Regarding your posting:
"Perhaps it does not matter in the overall context - & I look forward
to the enlightenment from the list that will dispel my current faint
discontent with the R&F parapodial classification."
Consultation of the Appendix in Rouse and Fauchald (1997: 194) will
show you the following regarding the Nereididae:
"<smaller>44-55. Parapodial structures. Though often of equal size the
results of Fitzhugh (1987) suggest that projecting neuropodia is the
plesiomorphic condition in the family. Dorsal and ventral cirri are
"PS: I assume Capitellidae singled out as having _uncini_ (p88) is not
true since this character is not listed in its family review or in the
<smaller>An error is an error so thanks for pointing it out and sorry
for any confusion. But </smaller>note the caveat in Rouse and Fauchald
(1997: 141):
<smaller>"Appendix IV provides the basis for all the scoring in the
matrices (Appendix II) and is to be taken as the primary source if
there are any discrepancies with Fauchald & Rouse (1997)."
Greg Rouse
School of Biological Sciences A08
University of Sydney
N.S.W. 2006
Tel. (02) 9351 5571
Fax (02) 9351 4119
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