> results of Fitzhugh (1987) suggest that projecting neuropodia is the
> plesiomorphic condition in the family [Nereididae].
It is interesting that A/P character 46 - projecting neuropodia, and
character 47 - tori, seem to be unrewarding as they both display multiple
transformations. Character 49 - spiomorph, however, appears solid.
With 20/20 hindsight I think I would have preferred to see the comparison
of noto/neuro dispensed with (In the Aciculata only Nephtyidae and
Amphinomidae have 'similar rami' - but we know the parapodia of this pair
are very different!). Rather it should be possible to characterize a
notopodial ramus relative only to all other notopodial rami types, and a
neuropodium likewise.
My 2 cents, as they say.
Geoff Read <g.read at niwa.cri.nz>
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