Potts: Indian Ocean Pt. 3?

Arne Nygren arny at tmbl.gu.se
Mon Mar 2 14:05:55 EST 1998

Dear annelidans,

Does anyone know what happened to Potts' Polychaeta of the Indian Ocean Pt.
3, The Syllidae. In a footnote in Potts 1911 (Methods of reproduction in
Syllidae) he mentiones that the full description of Trypanosyllis
crosslandi and Autolytus maculata would appear there and that it was to be
published in Trans. Linn. Soc. London during 1911. Was it never published
and/or has anyone else published description of A. maculata, the species I
am interested to know about?

Many thanks in advance for any information,

Arne Nygren

Tegnergatan 40, L1
113 59 Stockholm, SWEDEN
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E-mail: arny at tmbl.gu.se

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