Tharyx illustration

Leslie H. Harris lhharris at almaak.usc.edu
Thu Mar 5 17:47:10 EST 1998

Tom - 
   Have you forgotten the existence of the Allan Hancock Foundation
Polychaete Collection, just a few miles away from you?  All of the R/V
VELERO or Hancock material cited in Hartman's publications is housed here. 

   Tharyx monilaris Hartman 1960, LACM-AHF V.5586, is an anterior fragment,
approximately 47 setigers, broken into two pieces.  There is no posterior
section.  The paired palpi and nearly all of the branchial filaments are
now missing.  Despite the loss of appendages, it is clearly the same animal
illustrated in Hartman 1960, pl. 12, fig. 2, and in Rouse & Fauchald 1998,
fig. 4.

Cheers, Leslie

Leslie H. Harris
Collection Manager, 
LACM-Allan Hancock Foundation Polychaete Collection	tel: 213) 763-3234 Los
Angeles County Museum of Natural History		fax: 213) 746-2999 900 Exposition
Boulevard		       email: lhharris at bcf.usc.edu Los Angeles, California 90007

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