Friday, 6 March 1998
Dear Tom and others,
I have examined the type material of Tharyx monilaris Hartman, 1960 and
can confirm that the figure of this in Rouse & Fauchald (see Leslie's
note below) is correct. It is also true that the posterior end (of the
holotype) is expanded, but this is a common feature of many species of
Aphelochaeta Blake, 1991, for which T. monilaris is the type species by
original designation. A complete specimen is figured by Hartman 1960:
pl. 12, fig. 1, and is reproduced in Jim Blake's 1996 treatment of the
species in the Santa Barbara Atlas series (vol. 6, p. 334).
The abrupt change between thorax and abdomen is also correctly shown and
has been seen on at least one, presently unidentified, European species.
Best wishes,
Mary E. Petersen
Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen
mepetersen at
>From: Leslie H. Harris
>Subject: Re: Tharyx illustration
>Date: Thursday, March 5, 1998 11:47PM
>Tom -
> Have you forgotten the existence of the Allan Hancock Foundation
>Polychaete Collection, just a few miles away from you? All of the R/V
>VELERO or Hancock material cited in Hartman's publications is housed
>Tharyx monilaris Hartman 1960, LACM-AHF V.5586, is an anterior fragment,
>approximately 47 setigers, broken into two pieces. There is no posterior
>section. The paired palpi and nearly all of the branchial filaments are
>now missing. Despite the loss of appendages, it is clearly the same
>animal illustrated in Hartman 1960, pl. 12, fig. 2, and in Rouse &
>Fauchald 1998, fig. 4.
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for the thoracic count is wrong! Since you say the anterior appendages
are all currently missing from this specimen---is it possible that it is
actually a posterior end?
There is some discrepancy between the illustrations and the text
description...just trying to figure out some resolution.
And the answer to the first question in your posting is: No.
bye for now,
Thomas Parker
mblcsdla at
On Thu, 5 Mar 1998, Leslie H. Harris wrote:
> Tom -
> Have you forgotten the existence of the Allan Hancock Foundation
> Polychaete Collection, just a few miles away from you? All of the R/V
> VELERO or Hancock material cited in Hartman's publications is housed here.
>> Tharyx monilaris Hartman 1960, LACM-AHF V.5586, is an anterior fragment,
> approximately 47 setigers, broken into two pieces. There is no posterior
> section. The paired palpi and nearly all of the branchial filaments are
> now missing. Despite the loss of appendages, it is clearly the same animal
> illustrated in Hartman 1960, pl. 12, fig. 2, and in Rouse & Fauchald 1998,
> fig. 4.
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