Fwd: Oligochaete / F'w benthic job

Geoff Read gread at niwa.cri.nz
Wed Mar 11 18:44:33 EST 1998

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Newsgroups: sci.bio.ecology
Date: Mon, 9 Mar 1998 20:45:57 +0000
Reply-To: rick barbiero <rick.barbiero at SEAWEED.UCG.IE>
From: rick barbiero <rick.barbiero at SEAWEED.UCG.IE>


Grace Analytical Labs has a position available immediately for a benthic
invertebrate taxonomist.  Successful applicants will work with a team of
six other biologists analyzing biological samples for the EPA's Great
Lakes monitoring program.  The position is located in downtown Chicago,
IL. Applicants should have a B.S. (M.S. preferred) degree in biology, with
emphasis on Aquatic Biology; two years of experience in identification of
freshwater benthic invertebrates; experience in computerized data
management and analysis.  Specialized experience with oligocheate
taxonomy would be especially helpful.  This position involves mainly
laboratory (i.e. mocroscope) work, although participation in spring and
summer cruises (about two-four weeks per year) is also expected.  Please
send cover letter, resume/CV, and list of references to:

    Rick Barbiero, Ph.D.
    Biology Team Leader
    Grace Analytical Labs
    536 S. Clark 10th Floor
    Chicago IL 60605 USA
    (312) 886-2591 (fax)

...and/or email materials to rick.barbiero at seaweed.ucg.ie

Deadline for receipt of applications is 15 April, 1998

    Rick Barbiero Ph.D.,  Biology Team Leader
    Grace Analytical Labs
    536 S. Clark 10th Floor
    Chicago IL 60605
    (312) 353-9069; (312) 886-2591 (fax)
    rick.barbiero at seaweed.ucg.ie

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