Polychaete cladistics course

Paulo da Cunha Lana lana at aica.cem.ufpr.br
Tue Mar 24 15:16:54 EST 1998

Once again, please TAKE CARE  to direct your replies, & forms to Paulo, 
NOT to Annelida.  Thank you. GBR, moderator Annelida.

Dear colleagues,

This message is a reminder and update from Greg Rouse and Paulo Lana about

that will be offered just after the Sixth International Polychaete
Conference in August this year.

The staff includes Greg Rouse (University of Sydney, Organizer), Fredrik
Pleijel (Swedish Museum of Natural History), Kristian Fauchald (Smithsonian
Institution), Kirk Fitzhugh (Los Angeles County Museum), and Paulo Lana
(Centro de Estudos do Mar; logistics, including finding various Brazilian
beers). Depending on number of course participants, further researchers may
be invited to attend as staff (we hope to have Damhnait McHugh, Harvard
University, as well). The course is mainly intended for postgraduate and
early postdoctoral workers. These people will be given preference if there
is heavy demand. Registrations for the course will be accepted on a first
come, first served basis. Formal applications must be received by 30 April
1998. An application form is provided below.

Successful applicants will receive additional information concerning the
course in May. If you currently have any questions concerning the course
please contact Paulo Lana (on logistical issues) or Greg Rouse (on course
content issues) gregr at bio.usyd.edu.au. We are interested in hearing from
any people wavering about the course. Maybe we can persuade you!

The course is currently planned to run for 12 days. Its format will involve
2 lectures each morning followed by discussion groups until lunch/siesta.
There will be a practical class each afternoon. Most evenings will be
'free'. The course emphasis will be on systematics, with particular
emphasis on cladistic methodology. Lectures will cover areas such as
Polychaete Morphology, Diversity, Reproduction and 'Ecology', Philosophy of
science, Introduction to Systematics, Cladistics methodology, Molecular and
Morphological data, Classification, Species concepts and do they matter,
Biogeography, and Comparative methods.

Several case studies involving polychaetes and cladistics will be provided.
Discussion groups will follow on from the morning lectures with an
additional paper or two to be read for each meeting. Each participant will
be involved in a project relevant to the course, either individually or in
groups. Participants can bring their own material and data, or rely on the
local polychaete fauna for the project. Over the first 5 days practicals
will involve Polychaete Morphology and Diversity, followed by exercises in
Systematics. Instruction in the use of programs such as PAUP, Hennig86,
MacClade and Clados will be provided. The remaining practical sessions will
be devoted to the projects.

The course will be held at the Centro de Estudos do Mar (Center for Marine
Studies), in Pontal do Sul, 110 km from Curitiba. It will be limited to
16-20 participants, and will cost US $ 700.00. There is a chance of getting
lower fees if a funding proposal recently submitted to the Brazilian
National Research Council is accepted (answer in about 60-70 days). If this
happens, currently enlisted participants will receive part of their money
back. The fee includes accomodation (simple collective dorms up to 4 or 5
people, bed clothing included) and three meals a day (breakfast, lunch,
dinner) during the whole course, not including Saturdays and Sundays.
Transport to and from Pontal do Sul will be provided by Universidade
Federal do Parana. Free cooking facilities will be available to
participants. No other expenses will be covered by the organization. There
are at least two small markets, besides some very simple restaurants
(average price of meals from US $5 to US $15) at a walking distance from
the Center.




10-21 AUGUST 1998

APPLICATION FORM (please type or print and fill out ALL the spaces)

Surname/Family name: _________________________________
First name: __________________________________________ 
Work address: _______________________________________
___________________________________________________ Work phone
(international version): + _____________________ Fax (international): +
__________________________________ E-mail:_______________________________
Provide further details of your professional status:

Registration Fee US $ 700.00 
Payment should be submitted using one of the following means:

Deposit in the bank account: NIMAD-UFPR, 

Banco do Brasil,

Account number 25111-9 - 

Agency Number 3184/4 - 

Curitiba, Brazil (please fax the receipt of your deposit)

Credit cards: MasterCard, Diners International and Visa.

Please charge my card: Total _US $ 700.00 ___Visa ___Mastercard ___Diners
No. __________________________ Expiry date ____________________ Date

Signature __________________

Please return this form (by e-mail or fax) to:
Paulo da Cunha Lana
Centro de Estudos do Mar - Universidade Federal do Parana
Av. Beira-Mar, s/n 83255-000
Pontal do Sul - Parana - Brazil
Tel + 55 41 4551333 Fax + 55 41 4551105
lana at aica.cem.ufpr.br
ipc6 at aica.cem.ufpr.br
ipc6 at cce.ufpr.br 

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