Chloraemidae, Pherusidae, Flabelligeridae

Fredrik Pleijel fredrik.pleijel at tmbl.gu.se
Thu Apr 1 15:51:34 EST 1999

Well I guess my problem (don't blame Greg, he's not here for the moment) is
that I from reading the dear Code still don't see how Pherusidae becomes a
junior synonym. But I wont reiterate that. But following my interpretation
it's clear that I would be the only one who believe it necessary to put in
an application to keep Flabelligeridae - if I read Tom & Geoff correctly
their interpretation is that Flabelligeridae stands and there is no
problem. And since I won't write up an application, then I think everybody's
happy!? We use Flabelligeridae and that's it.

All the best/Fred (who would like to go back to biology now...)

Fredrik Pleijel
Tjärnö Marine Biological Laboratory
SE-452 96 Strömstad, Sweden
tel + 46 526 686 38
fax + 46 526 686 07
e.mail fredrik.pleijel at tmbl.gu.se

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