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Date: Tue, 06 Apr 1999 19:56:35 +0200
From: Salva <batanga at apdo.com>
Subject: Polychaete patterns in the soft-bottoms near Tenerife
To: benthos at ecology.bio.dfo.ca
Dear worm-mates,
I'm writing a paper on polychaete patterns in the soft-bottoms around La
Gomera Island, Tenerife (Spain).
It would be great if some could give some bibliography on:
1) the ecology of Hyalinoecia bilineata, Sabella melanostigma and Ditrupa
2) Factors affecting invertebrate colonisation of island sublitoral
There are not bibliography resources where I am temporarily living (just
had a baby at my home town!), so I would very much appreciate if you post a
reprint/copy of the references you suggest.
Thank you indeed,
Thank you.
For any reference to my background, kindly ask from Mike Kendall at PML,
Dave Raffaelli at Culterty or Chris Frid at Newcastle.
Salvador Herrando-Perez
C/Padre Jofre 19, piso 3, pta 7
12006 Castellon de la Plana
telephone 34 609939201
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