Help needed please with identifying a worm

Steve and Leona campbell at zeta.org.au
Wed Apr 7 09:00:33 EST 1999

Hello, I have a small problem, I recently discovered a worm that I have 
never seen or heard of before... I'd dearly love to find out what it is and 
more about it. Sadly I didn't collect the specimen but have made a 
detailed description and drawing on the following link: 
http://www.zeta.org.au/~campbell/worm.htm I am no scientist and my 
description may be a bit weak. I am however, intrigued by this creature 
and my inquiries have turned up a number of possibilities. Please take a 
look at my worm and get back to me if you have any idea or can direct 
me to someone who might!  

Steve Campbell


  Steve & Leona campbell at zeta.org.au
 ICQ: 5036527 (Feel free to add to your list)

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