Marenzelleria sp. and spirorbids from Florida

Elena Kupriyanova lena at netside.net
Thu Apr 8 17:12:18 EST 1999

Dear colleagues,

I have been asked by two of my Russian colleagues to collect polychaetes
(any species of the spionid genus Marenzelleria and any spirorbids) in
Florida. Marenzelleria specimens have to be preserved in ethanol for
genetic analysis, but spirorbids can be preserved in formalin. Can
anybody help me in any of the following 2 ways:

1. Collect some polychaetes and send it to me in Miami (I will reimburse
the postage) or tell me where I can pick them up (I will drive to any
place in South or Central Florida).

2. Direct me to a marine lab or any similar place with minimal
facilities required for collecting and preserving where I would be able
to collect the worms myself.

Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated

Best wishes
Lena Kupriyanova
<lena at netside.net>

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