Two polychaetes

Floyd Sandford FSANDFOR at coe.edu
Thu Apr 8 21:04:04 EST 1999

I am interested in getting some of my undergraduate biology majors 
involved in research projects involving one of two different polychaetes that 
I've been intrigued with for the past several years (I'm a hermit crab 
biologist).  I also want to be able to maintain these two polychaetes in 
marine aquaria (in Iowa) for my Diversity of Life class.  The two 
polychaetes in question are the ice cream cone worm, Pectinaria qouldii  
and the parchment tube worm Chaetopterus variopedatus .    I have some 
questions relating to the biology of these two species but won't take up 
space here with those ... but if there is anyone out there who is either 
interested in/working with one or both of these species, I would appreciate 
hearing from you.  

My specific question relates to maintaining these two annelids in captivity.  
If anyone has experience keeping these polychaetes alive in marine 
aquaria, I would greatly appreciate hearing from you.  One of my goals is 
to collect Chaetopterus at my study site in the N. Gulf of Mexico, transport 
them back to Iowa, remove them from their parchment tubes and introduce 
them into clear plastic U-shaped tubes for study. Comments/advice from  
anyone who has had success with this procedure would be especially 
welcome.  Thanks for reading this ... I hope to hear from some of you.  

Floyd R. Sandford                    Phone: (319)-399-8576
Dept. of Biology, Coe College   FAX:    (319)-399-8748
Cedar Rapids,  IA,  52402         e-mail: 
fsandfor at coe.edu
      "The best things in life aren't things"

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