Interstitial polychaetes

s.handley at niwa.cri.nz s.handley at niwa.cri.nz
Sun Apr 11 20:11:35 EST 1999

Dear Mathew

I've found using a 0.05% solution of Phenol in seawater is usefull 
for removing spionids from oyster shells if left overnight.  See: 
Dorsett, D. A. (1961). “The reproduction and maintenance of 
Polydora ciliata (Johnst.) at Whitestable.” Journal of the Marine 
Biological Association of the United Kingdom 41: 383-396.

Addition of O-dichlorobenzene can speed extraction up but is very 
toxic!  See:  MacKenzie, C. L. and L. W. Shearer (1959). 
“Chemical control of Polydora websteri and other annelids 
inhabiting oyster shells.” Proceedings - National Shellfisheries 
Association 50: 105-111.
Regards... Sean

Dr Sean Handley
s.handley at niwa.cri.nz
Marine Ecologist
National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research
(NIWA) P.O. Box 893
New Zealand
Ph (64 03)5481715
DDI (03) 545 7735
Fax (64 03)5481716

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