Interstitial polychaetes

Dr. M. Nechama Ben-Eliahu nbenelia at cc.huji.ac.il
Mon Apr 12 05:57:01 EST 1999

Dear Matthew,

Many years ago I did a quantitative study of cryptofauna inhabiting
intertidal vermetid reefs.  I collected the reef material with a hammer
and chisel and broke up the fixed (in formalin) reef material with
hammer and sometimes with chisel UNDER A LAYER OF WATER.
Surprising how many polychaetes came out whole from this rough

All the best,

    Nechama Ben-Eliahu
<nbenelia at cc.huji.ac.il>

Matthew R. Lee wrote:

> Dear All,
>     I've spent the weekend looking at live samples of  interstitial
> fauna from shell sand, there are a lot of polychaetes, many of which are
> living in tubes within the shell fragments.  What I need is some advice:
> How do I get the polychaetes out of the tubes in one piece so that I can
> identify them?  

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