Ficopomatus enigmaticus

Harry A. ten Hove hove at bio.uva.nl
Wed Apr 14 05:18:38 EST 1999

In addition to the remarks by Lena (covering the most directly interesting
papers for you I think) and Geoff:

a paper with a more general approach to effects of mass occurring serps
(mentioning Ficopomatus as well) is:
Hove, H.A. ten, & P. van den Hurk, 1993.- A review of Recent and fossil
serpulid "reefs"; actuopaleontology and the 'Upper Malm' serpulid
limestones in NW Germany. Geol. Mijnbouw 72: 23-67, 12 figs, 5 tabs.

Geoff is right don't forget Mercierella enigmatica, mentioned in over 280
papers in the literature as far as seen by me. However, tropical
"Mercierella enigmatica" is a different item, see:
Hove, H.A. ten, & J.C.A. Weerdenburg, 1978.- A generic revision of the
brackish-water serpulid Ficopomatus (Southern 1921) (Polychaeta:
Serpulinae), including Mercierella Fauvel 1923, Sphaeropomatus Treadwell
1934, Mercierellopsis Rioja 1945 and Neopomatus Pillai 1960. Biol. Bull.
154: 96-120, 6 figs. From that you may learn that an in itself important
paper by Straughan on the ecology of the genus is in fact based on a mix of
two species, and thus difficult to evaluate.

Futher key papers are in my opinion:
Dixon, D.R., 1977.- The energetics of Mercierella enigmatica Fauvel.
Thesis, Univ. of London, 494 pp., 89 figs, 41 tabs. [mimeogr.]
Dixon, D.R., 1980.- The energetics of tube production by Mercierella
enigmatica (Polychaeta:  Serpulidae). J. mar. biol. Ass. U.K. 60: 655-659,
2 figs.
Dixon, D.R., 1981.- Reproductive biology of the serpulid Ficopomatus
(Mercierella) enigmatica  in the Thames estuary, S.E. England. J. mar.
biol. Ass. U.K. 61: 805-815, 6 figs.

There are 4 papers by H.le B.Skaer, 1974 in the J.Exp.Biol. 60: 321-370 on
water balance in F.enigmaticus, dealing with susceptibility to salinity.
Later she did more on the same subject in combination with other authors
(e.g. Treherne).

And no, I unfortunately don't have copies left of my papers dealing with

>I am looking for information on the (filtering) importance of F.
>enigmaticus in relation to the water quality of estuaries, and also
>on the organism's susceptibility to water quality change.
>Can anyone help please ??
>Many thanks,
>Bill Harding
>Cape Town
>South Africa
>Dr Bill Harding
>Southern Waters cc
>P O Box 13280
>7705 Mowbray
>South Africa
>(T) 650-3633 (F) 650-3887
>(C) 082-802-2637
>email: bharding at botzoo.uct.ac.za


Harry A. ten Hove
Institute for Systematics and Ecology
Zoological Museum, University of Amsterdam
POB 94766, 1090 GT AMSTERDAM

<hove at bio.uva.nl>
TEL. 3120 5256906
FAX. 3120 5255402

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