new position/contact info

Lawrence L. Lovell llovell at ucsd.edu
Thu Apr 15 17:15:06 EST 1999

Dear Friends and Colleagues in Worms, 

I am very pleased to announce that I have a new job.  As of March 1, I am 
Museum Scientist in charge of the Benthic Invertebrates Collection at 
Scripps Institution of Oceanography.  Although my duties include the care 
and maintenance of all the invertebrates; I will be, of course, partial to the 
polychaetes.  This is an exciting time to be associated with the collection. 
New facilities are nearing completion with compactor shelving and new 
office/lab space with room for visiting scientists.  Please consider adding 
SIO to your list of places to visit when visiting the US.  The polychaete 
collection is not huge, but contains material mostly unidentified from the 
eastern Pacific (southern California, western Mexico, Gulf of California - 
intertidal, shelf, slope and deep water) with some material from mid Pacific 
Islands and Antarctica. It is not well organized, but give me a little time.  
Please consider adding the SIO Benthic Invertebrates Collection to your list 
of places to send systematic, life history, biogeographic, etc. reprints.     

There is plenty to do here with the worms, but catching up on general 
care/maintance/accessioning/cataloguing/loans and the move will occupy 
my time the rest of this year.  To learn more about the collection I invite 
you to go to the SIO website at <www-sio.ucsd.edu/> and click Library 
and Collections (the benthic collection will be updated shortly). 

My wormest regards to you all, 


Lawrence L. Lovell 
Museum Scientist 
Benthic Invertebrates Collection 
Scripps Institution of Oceanography 
9500 Gilman Drive 
La Jolla, California  92093-0206 
(619) 822-2818 
llovell at sio.ucsd.edu 

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