Arthur Humes - Re: Parasites of Terebellids

Geoff Read g.read at niwa.cri.nz
Thu Dec 2 18:26:18 EST 1999

I thought it appropriate to list some Arthur Humes copepod papers relevant 
to polychaetes, vestimentifera, echiura. Here is what I've got. 

Humes, A. G., & A. G. Stock. 1973. A revision of the family 
Lichomolgidae Kossmann, 1877, cyclopoid copepods mainly 
associated with marine invertebrates. -  Smithsonian Contributions to 
Zoology, 127(1-368).

Humes, A. G. 1975. Cyclopoid copepods associated with marine 
invertebrates in Mauritius. -   Zoological Journal of the Linnean 
Society, 56:171-181.

Humes, A. G., & J. F. Grassle. 1979. Serpulidicola josephellae sp. 
nov. (Copepoda, Cyclopoida) from a deep-water polychaete west of 
Ireland. -  Crustaceana. (Leiden)., 36(3):309-315

Humes, A. G., & M. Dojiri. 1980. A Siphonostome Copepod 
Associated With a Vestimentiferan From the Galapagos Rift and the 
East Pacific Rise. -  Proceedings of the Biological Society of 
Washington, 93(3):697-707.

Humes, A. G., & M. Dojiri. 1980. A New Siphonostome Family 
(Copepoda) Associated With a Vestimentiferan in Deep Water Off 
California. -  Pacific Science 34(2):143-151.

Humes, A. G. 1987. Copepoda from deep-sea hydrothermal vents. -  
Bulletin of Marine Science, 41(3):645-788

Boxshall, G. A., & A. G. Humes. 1987. A new species of 
Hemicyclops (Copepoda: Poecilostomatoida) associated with an 
echiuran worm in Hong Kong. -  Asian Marine Biology  4:61-66.

Humes, A. G. 1988. Copepoda from deep-sea hydrothermal vents 
and cold seeps. -  Hydrobiologia., 167168:549-554.

Humes, A. G. 1990. Copepods (Siphonostomatoida) from a deep-sea 
hydrothermal vent at the Mariana Back-Arc Basin in the Pacific, 
including a new genus and species. -  Journal of Natural History, 

Humes, A. G., & G. A. Boxshall. 1996. A revision of the 
lichomolgoid complex (Copepoda: Poecilostomatoida), with the 
recognition of six new families. -  Journal of Natural History, 30:175-

  Geoff Read <g.read at niwa.cri.nz>

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