Annelid resources web site, & the list

Geoff Read g.read at niwa.cri.nz
Thu Dec 16 21:42:48 EST 1999

Hello folks, 

If you have not looked at http://biodiversity.uno.edu/~worms/annelid.html 
recently you might like to do so before the current millennium expires.   

There's a colorful new entry page, and a search engine was  added back 
in November - it's surprising what it's possible to find now! According to the 
statistics over 600 searches have been conducted so someone must be 
finding it useful, even if it's not yourselves. It's now possible to get a list of 
researchers interested in a particular aspect of polychaetology (regrettably 
not for oligochaetology, etc, though I'm open to offers of an address list). 
There is a quirk in the quickest way to do this. You should put "previous 
address" (in quotes) followed by the subject keyword in the search panel. 
This will ensure PRO entries are first in the list of hits.     

Offers of new things - links, data, translations, photos, whatever - to put on 
the web site are very welcome. It's to everyone's benefit if you contribute to 
make it a good meta site, and not keep your activities and results hidden 
away and hope someone one day stumbles across them (also contribute 
such things to the mailing list).     

Also please encourage / coax your colleagues to subscribe to Annelida list, 
or to resubscribe if they've dropped off. Their knowledge might help 
someone elsewhere in the world  - and I'll bet they'll learn something to their 
advantage now and then. Send them to 
http://biodiversity.uno.edu/~worms/ANNELIDA-list.html for further 

We have recovered from the shift last Friday of the Biosci/Bionet lists' 
administration across the Atlantic from Stanford to the UK (to the Human 
Genome Mapping Project Resource Centre!!). As I said earlier please 
continue to use the email address <annelida at net.bio.net>, regardless of 
what might be in the headers you see for messages from the list.     

I think the www.bio.net archives for Annelida and the search engine 
(http://www.bio.net/hypermail/annelida/) are fully operational again. Note 
that the filenames of the monthly files have changed and are now in the 
Y2K friendly format such as - 

Please  let me know if you have any further problems.       

Regards to you all,


Dr Geoffrey B. Read    <g.read at niwa.cri.nz> 
310 Evans Bay Parade
(PO box 14-901)
Kilbirnie, Wellington

   Discuss  =  <annelida at net.bio.net> = talk to all members
   Server =  <biosci-server at net.bio.net> = un/subscribes
   Archives  = http://www.bio.net/hypermail/annelida/
   Resources = http://biodiversity.uno.edu/~worms/annelid.html

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