Update on polychaete parasites

Aaron & Laura Baldwin jsapb at gci.net
Wed Dec 22 15:57:40 EST 1999

Dear Annelida,

This is just a quick note on some more copepods found during my Gulf of 
Alaska study (just for general info). I found no more of the terebellid 
copepods. However, I subsequently found four Prionospio steenstrupi with 
copepods attached to the prostomium. These copepods have a long body 
with two egg sacs attached. I also found a polynoid, probably Hesperonoe 
sp. with five copepods attached to its prostomium! These copes were just 
round, sack-like growths that completely obscured the dorsal surface of the 
prostomium. That is all for now. - Aaron 

Aaron & Laura Baldwin 609 Saw Mill Creek Blvd Sitka, Alaska 99835  
<jsapb at gci.net>

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