Earthworms in rice fields

Harry A. ten Hove hove at bio.uva.nl
Tue Feb 2 05:54:26 EST 1999

Via via the next message found its way to my table, may it speak for itself.

>Dear Prof. dr. Schram,
>Dr. Jo van den Biggelaar, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
>(J.A.M.vandenBiggelaar at bio.uu.nl) referred me to you for possible
>assistance.  Will it be possible for you to identify the earthworm species
>collected by us in the Ifugao Rice Terraces (IRT), Philippines?  Currently,
>we are having a big problem of these earthworms in the rice terraces and we
>have great difficulty in identifying the species.   I can send you the
>material as soon as I hear positive from you.  Your assistance in this
>matter will be highly acknowledged and appreciated.  Thanks and regards.  My
>address is as follows:
>Dr. R.C. Joshi, FRES (Lon.)
>Senior Research Fellow
>Crop Protection Division
>Philippine Rice Research Institute (PhilRice)
>Maligaya, Muñoz, Nueva Ecija-3119
>E-mail: joshiravi at hotmail.com
>Telefax: 0063-44-4560647

Harry A. ten Hove
Institute for Systematics and Ecology
Zoological Museum, University of Amsterdam
POB 94766, 1090 GT AMSTERDAM

TEL. 3120 5256906
FAX. 3120 5255402

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