Worm rooters

Robin Jung Robin_Jung at usgs.gov
Tue Feb 2 16:21:30 EST 1999

     Hello Annelida Group.  
     I heard of a device which is used to make earthworms come up to the 
     surface that relies on electrical currents or vibrations.  Does anyone 
     have any information about these "worm rooters" and where I might be 
     able to find one?
     I work on terrestrial salamanders and am interested in trying out 
     techniques which allow us to determine actual population size of 
     salamanders in a given area.  We use capture-recapture techniques as 
     well, but recapture rates are often low, making population estimates 
     Thank you very much for your help.  I appreciate any information you 
     can send me about "worm rooters."
     Robin Elizabeth Jung, Ph.D.
     Wildlife Biologist
     USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center
     12100 Beech Forest Rd.
     Laurel, MD 20708-4038

     robin_jung at usgs.gov
     301/497-5784 (FAX)

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