Question about earthworms.

satans secretary pogo at craftech.com
Thu Feb 4 20:49:27 EST 1999


I also have a Biology project on annelids to do.. (which is most of the 
reason that I subscribed to this list). I need examples/form and function.. 
although I have most of the stuff I'll need.. it would be nice if somewhat of 
an expert, or at least someone who knows more about annelids than I, 
could help me out and/or give advice.  

thank you,

Nicole, another new member.

At 12:56 PM 2/4/1999 -0800, you wrote:
>I'm looking for information on earthworms, for a Biology project 
>needs sources.  What I need is to know about their habits, likes and
>dislikes.  I want to compare numbers - wet mass - with where they 
>live, in
>woodlands or grassland.  Does anybody have any advice?
>Yours, Diana, new member to the list.
><88PROBSTD at clsg.org.uk>

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scientists would be as obliging to respond to  enquiries 
from random strangers.  

On the web her College of William & Mary  page is still up, and has not 
been updated. There is a brief in memoriam at the web site of 
'Physiological Zoology' of which she was editor, and also in the Alumni 



  Geoff Read <g.read at niwa.cri.nz>

   Discuss  =  <annelida at net.bio.net> = talk to all members
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