Introduced worm?

Helmut Zibrowius hzibrowi at com.univ-mrs.fr
Fri Feb 5 03:26:28 EST 1999

A paper published recently in the possibly little known French (!) journal 
"Marine Life" (Fondation Ricard) reports Leiochrides australis Augener, 
1914, as well established in coastal waters all around Italy (Ligurian, 
Tyrrhenian, Ionian and Adriatic Seas), in natural (not harbour) 
environments and considers this worm as an introduction from Australia. 
Soft polychaete and especially capitellid workers may try to evaluate the 
likeliness of such an event and such a success.

Gravina M.F., Mollica E., Somaschini A., 1998. First report of Leiochrides 
australis Augener, 1914 (Polychaeta, Capitellidae) from the Mediterranean 
Sea and notes on the genus Leiochrides. Marine Life (Fondation Ricard; 
France), 6 (1-2): 35-39.

* published in 1998, even though the cover and p. 35 (and thereby reprints) 
indicate 1996.

  (Centre d'Oceanologie de Marseille)
  Station Marine d'Endoume
  Rue Batterie des Lions
  13007 Marseille / France
  E-MAIL:  hzibrowi at com.univ-mrs.fr
  TEL: within France  0491041624  from abroad +33 491041624
  FAX: within France  0491041635  from abroad +33 491041635  

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