On the origin of Charles -Reply

Kristian Fauchald Fauchald.Kristian at nmnh.si.edu
Fri Feb 12 13:55:16 EST 1999

In Honor of the Jubilant, I might mention a relatively new book I am 
reading now:  Michael Ruse, From monad to man.  It does have a subtitle 
I cannot remember at this point, but OUR HERO is featured prominently 
in a study of the relationship between evolutionary thinking, the idea of 
progress in biology (from low to high) and the idea of Progress in 
Society at large.  I am enjoying it a great deal and have learned 
something about the thinking of scientists I had not anticipated.  

Kristian Fauchald

<Fauchald.Kristian at NMNH.SI.EDU>

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