Culture article

Pedro Fidalgo pfidalgo at fc.ul.pt
Wed Feb 17 16:30:38 EST 1999


Dean,D; Mazurkiewicz,M (1975): Methods of culturing polychaetes. pp.
177-197. IN: Smith, Walter and Matoira H. Chanley, Editors, Culture of
Marine Invertebrate Animals. Conference Greenport, N.Y., Oct. 1972,
Plenum Press, N.Y.

fide, GBR reference service

Dear Colleagues,

Could anyone provide the reference from the article entitled "Culture of
Marine Invertebrates Animals (Dean and Mazurkiewicz, 1975)? It's a book? 

I apologise for  the question. Could you please respond off-line.

                        Thanks in advance.

Pedro Fidalgo e Costa
Laboratório Marítimo da Guia (LMG)
Forte Nossa Senhora da Guia, Estrada do Guincho
2750, Cascais, Portugal
phone: 351 1 4869211
fax: 351 1 4869720
e-mail: pfidalgo at fc.ul.pt
homepage of the Lab.: http://www.fc.ul.pt/centros/lmg

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