Symbiotic polychaetes

Daniel Martin dani at ceab.csic.es
Thu Feb 18 16:01:20 EST 1999

Dear annelida folks,

	We would like to thank all you for the interest demonstrated in our 
paper on symbiotic polychaetes. We have been receiving a lot of reprint 
requests (both electronic and traditional) and we tried to satisfy as much as 
possible of you. Unfortunately, the amount of requests has exceeded the 
available reprints so that we are now running out of copies.  

	We apologize for those requests we have not addressed an individual 
response and we hope this message will reach all colleagues who are still 
looking for to receive the paper (and will not receive it).  

	The paper is too huge to be managed easily as an electronic 
manuscript (and maybe the owners of the copyright will have their own 
opinion about this possibility). However, if some of you are interested in a 
given section (viz. species, relationship, references) please, contact us 
and we will try to satisfy your request.  

	Thanks again!

	Temir & Daniel.

	Dr. Temir A. Britayev
	<temir at invert.sevin.msk.ru>
	Laboratory of morphology and Ecology of Marine Invertebrates
	A.N. Severtzov Institute of Animal Morphology and Ecology
	Russian Academy of Sciences
	Leninski prospect 33, Moscow 117071, RUSSIA

Dr. Daniel Martin
Centre d'Estudis Avancats de Blanes (C.S.I.C.)
Cami de Sta. Barbara s/n
17300 Blanes, Girona
FAX:  34 972 337806
Phone: 34 972 336101
WWW pages:
Institutional:  http://www.ceab.csic.es
Personal: http://www.ceab.csic.es/~dani/

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