Ontario Leech Ban

Geoff Read gread at actrix.gen.nz
Sun Feb 21 16:35:11 EST 1999

A news item re-circulated by the US Congressional Research Service, 19 

Ontario Leech Ban.  In late January 1999, the Ontario Ministry of Natural 
Resources announced 1999 fishing regulations, including a ban on 
bringing live leeches into Ontario for use as bait by all but commercial bait 
licensees.  Ontario officials state that they seek to prevent the introduction 
of exotic species.  However, MN officials believe the Ontario regulation has 
little merit for resource protection and will have significant economic 
impacts on the MN live bait industry. {{On Feb. 18, 1999, MN Governor 
Jesse Ventura telephoned U.S. Trade Representative Charlene 
Barshefsky, claiming that new Ontario fishing regulations were punitive and 
harmful to MN-based anglers and the state's tourism industry, possibly  
violating free trade agreements   including NAFTA.}}[Duluth News-Tribune].

  Geoff Read <g.read at niwa.cri.nz>

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