ASLO thesis listing and symposium

Geoff Read gread at actrix.gen.nz
Fri Feb 26 00:18:25 EST 1999

Friday Felicitations to you all,

I came across a possible item of interest for fairly recent (>'92) Ph.D.s,

There is an opportunity to list your hard-won thesis (submit the abstract) 
and become better known to the world via:


A site for the American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, the 
people who publish the journal 'Limnology and Oceanography.' Any 
biological aquatic thesis from 1992 onwards is eligible.

Also if you have completed your thesis between April 1, 1997 and March 
31, 1999, you are eligible to apply for a (sponsored / part funded) 
symposium in Bermuda in October!

More at:  http://www.aslo.org/dialog3.html

Good luck!

  Geoff Read <g.read at niwa.cri.nz>

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