Dear colleagues,
You are probably informed already about the sad news, that Professor
Vladimir Sveshnikov passed away on January 15th.
For many years we worked in the laboratory, headed by Dr. Sveshnikov.
Dr. Sveshnikov is remembered for his studies of marine polychaetes. His
early works were dedicated to the larval plancton and morphology of
polychaetes larvae. In the latter years he studied the ecology of the
commercial bivalves from the Russian Far-East seas, as Crenomytilus grayanus
and Modiolus spp., as well as conducted fundamental studies of life-cycles
and life-forms of marine invertebrates.
He was an excellent teacher and very helpful and responsable superviser
for many his students and postgraduates.
Dr. Sveshnikov was very optimistic and intelligent person, interesting and
benevolent interlocutor. Up to the last days of his life he took part in
laboratory activities.
Besides biology he was very knowledgeable in arts and history.
With his death we lost wonderful biologist, leader and colleague.
Dr. Sveshnikov is overlived by his wife, daughter and four grandchilds.
Dr. Temir Britayev, Dr. Yuri Kantor
<temir at>
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