Hello PRO participants,
Update complete. Please test drive your entry at the link off:
Reload the frames file when it is onscreen to make sure it's the latest
version and not a stale one from your cache. Reload your own file for the
same reason. If the last update date is not July and you did send a
correction then you are still looking at the old version.
Perfection will forever elude us. Please help by reporting ANY link that
doesn't work in your entry or in someone else's data (I just had the
irritation of discovering a link for a person that worked only a couple of
days ago but has now gone - sigh!) Please report any mistakes I've
made. There will be some. They probably will not be corrected
immediately but they WILL be corrected.
For those who prefer hard copy there is a link on the introduction page
for a zipped word97 doc file of the complete latest version.
Geoff Read <gread at actrix.gen.nz>
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Server = biosci-server at net.bio.net = un/subscribes
Archives = http://www.bio.net:80/hypermail/ANNELIDA/
Resources = http://biodiversity.uno.edu/~worms/annelid.html