
Torin Morgan Torin.S.Morgan at soc.soton.ac.uk
Thu Jul 22 17:08:31 EST 1999

Dear all,

With Nerida's and Salva's threads running at the moment it's good to see all 
this interest in poecilogony. The question of flexible life histories is clearly 
very important to our understanding of speciation in groups like the 
spionids. Geoff quotes the abstract to my recent paper on Pygospio (I've 
still some reprints left!) and I hope this contributes to the debate, but there's 
plenty of work left to do on this species. I'm developing new molecular 
markers to use on Pygospio, and I'd love to compare lots of populations 
with differing life histories. To this end, I'd be very interested to hear about 
other Pygospio populations out there.  

best wishes
Torin Morgan

Dr Torin Morgan
School of Ocean and Earth Sciences
Southampton Oceanography Centre
European Way
SO14 3ZH

office tel: +44 (0)1703 596270
lab tel: +44 (0)1703 596502
mobile tel: 0976 924159
email: torin at soton.ac.uk

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